My Safety Tech Podcast

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Peter Thomas

04 March 2024

1h 1m 31s

Smart Buildings: A Deep Dive into Digital Twins and AI



In this episode I am joined James Pellat, a leading voice in innovation and technology in real estate. In this podcast we disucss digital twins, virtual replicas of physical assets, which hold immense potential in revolutionising safety tech by providing accurate 3D representations of buildings.  With the integration of building information modeling (BIM) and real-time monitoring systems, digital twins offer a comprehensive view of equipment performance, maintenance needs, and potential health and safety risks. We discus the potential of AI-powered language models like to analyse vast amounts of safety data, improve risk assessments, and provide valuable insights. It also emphasises the need for leadership and a shift in mindset within real estate companies to embrace digital transformation and leverage the benefits of new technology for safety and efficiency.

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